How to delete the account

На If you are not planning to use your Head On Account in the future and no longer wish to have access to your mood history, you have the ability to delete your account. Once you choose to delete your account, all related data to your account will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

Step 1
Open the Profile Profile

Click on the last icon in the bottom menu.

Step 2
Click Account

Find the account section on the screen and click on it.

Step 3
Click Delete Account

In the Account section, click the “Delete account” button located at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4
Confirm deleting your account in the window that opens by clicking on Delete Account

You will be asked to confirm whether you want to delete your account. Once you click “Delete Account” deletion is complete, the system will permanently delete your account and all associated data after 30 days. Data cannot be restored for future use after 30 days have passed after confirmation of account deletion.

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